Learning about #Makerfaireyyc

During this past summer, while stealing moments of solitude when my little boys were napping, I read “The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers and Tinkerers” by Mark Hatch, CEO of TechShop. I was intrigued reading about the examples of successful entrepreneurs and “average joe” makers who now are able to access expensive tools or use simply have access to space to make ideas real. Reading about the maker movement is one thing…but also experiencing the maker movement is another…(I highly recommend both).

Rushing to the Telus Spark Science Centre for my Saturday volunteer shift as a “Maker Care Helper”, I arrived to a big crowd of people exiting the entrance. I quickly saw the fire alarm lights informing people to evacuate. My first thought was, “ahh man, I can’t go in and see what all this hype of the “Maker Movement” is really all about. (I will also admit this was quickly followed by “Well, at least I have an excuse for being late…”). A calm and assertive speaker voice blared “Methane Gas has been detected in the building…” and then instructed people to get away from the building. I smiled to myself and thought…couldn’t be a true Maker Faire without a little pushing of the oxygen content boundaries, could it?

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